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It would be nice if one or the other facial expression could be given an additional amplifying expression for:
Surprise - Ecstasy - Anger -Fear- Flirtatiousness - ....

The slider for the pupil size would already be available, its use in interaction mode would be a further step to enrich the simulation even more.


Don't know about the specific implementation, but I do like the idea of being able to set up sliders for the eye properties. Being able to dilate pupils or change sclera color on the fly would be really cool.

3 weeks ago

That's a good idea!
I know what you mean, a spontaneous demonic “glow” of the eyes would be cool!
But we're still at the beginning, who knows what's to come, but I can sketch out a few ideas.

3 weeks ago

I think I suggested before sliders for X and Y pupil size so we could do cat eyes or mink eyes that change shape as the character gets more excited or whatever. Like cats' pupils going round when they see something they're going to pounce.

3 weeks ago

Would like to animate pupils in interactions yeah.

2 weeks, 6 days ago


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3 weeks ago