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Asset-Bibliothek - Scene Builder

A Asset Library
One suggestion I've had in mind for a long time would be a kind of second cloud just for “assets”. I've built a lot of PARTS for ears, noses, nails, claws, jewelry and other appendages that I'd like to share, including alpha mask.
These are of course built in here and there, but without taking a closer look, you don't know if there's anything you might like to use for yourself.

The whole thing is also primarily triggered by the desire to be able to use PARTS in the scene WITHOUT having to tie them to a character.

Which brings me to the next point.

Scene Builder
But if you take this idea further, as Yiff1 has already shown in broad strokes, you want to create a certain scene and put one or two objects that are incapable of action into the picture.
If you don't like the bed, use something else!

Custom maps have already been (quietly) mentioned, but you could also make it more modular, import an empty room and set it up yourself, rebuild or expand it. Depending on taste and setting.

The user would thus have the freedom to design various furniture, a lamp/light source, skybox, a dildo for my sake, or prefabricated lighting settings day-night-evening (Brige, Plains, ) to put his scene in there.


I believe this was suggested before as a "Repository" of assets.
You can already grab parts from other characters and stuff.

However, I do want that scene builder. Being able to add parts without it being a character. I already have ideas of having a character who is basically a prop Asset, or an entire environment. Would be nice for it to NOT be a character.

2 weeks, 6 days ago


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3 weeks ago