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New Step Based On Previous Steps Final Keyframes

If there was an option to create a new step based on a previous steps final keyframes in a timeline, it could save so much time.

It would create a new step with the default initial keyframes being copied from the final keyframes of the chosen step you want to copy from.

You can even add an option where you can do it based on "mode".

Example would be.

Right Click Step > Duplicate Final Keyframes >Choose Step to Copy From

On press, it could show a second menu that ask "From Keyframe Mode" > Interpolate / Clamp / All.

That way you can choose which type of final keyframes you want to copy.

Even if that's not possible, something that copies all final keyframes would still be super helpful!


I think the + to create a new step is supposed to snapshot all the current properties, so if you move the playhead to the end of the keyframe timelines and create a new step, it should do exactly this.

However, it doesn't quite copy everything at the moment, maybe that is a bug.

3 months ago


vote sum by 5 users.
Suggestion status
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3 months, 1 week ago