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Improvements for the keyframe bar

  • A "SCROLL" option further to the right, the longer a sequence becomes, the more difficult it is to maintain an overview.


  • A "ZOOM" option, for example, not only to be able to better balance fast movement sequences, it would of course also increase the overview.

  • A suitable "Draggable Slider

  • a "COPY" option to duplicate existing motion sequences; like a step sequence

  • Once a keyframe has been created and selected in the timeline, it should also be automatically activated in the editing tab to adjust it if necessary. You create dozens of new and superfluous keyframes to correct a movement because you can't get the timeline cursor back to exactly the right moment.

  • An activatable seconds timescale.

  • Copying a completed motion sequence in the "Step" or "Scene" nights as a start configuration has already been requested, but I mention it again for the sake of completeness.


vote sum by 3 users.
Suggestion status
Under review.
Spend votes
7 months, 2 weeks ago