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Capture/Export Camera Footage in Interactions

There is currently no built-in way to capture footage of interactions in FurryVNE. The only way to do so currently is with OBS or other screen capture software, which produces a suboptimal capture for high definition video.

While a fully-featured export render pipeline with tweakable settings and parameters would be ideal, that's certainly not feasible, especially when the project will be migrating to a different rendering pipeline entirely this year or next.

To be as minimalist as possible, it would essentially be some button or currently unused hotkey (let's say Shift+V) that would lock the camera in place, hide the interface, and record the camera render to a file until the user presses another key to exit the capture mode and stop the playback of the interaction.

In practice, it would function similarly to the screenshot capture in the character editor, except generating a native resolution video file in some specified directory.


I would want a CAMERA node before that, as well as certain filters and effect nodes to add. Like lighting nodes, or whatever before any capture mode.

2 months ago

A camera node would be great, and it would be awesome if we could make it pan, turn, zoom and orbit around a subject, or maybe another node. Like you have the camera node, then you have another node that the camera locks onto and rotates/moves in relation to. That way we can get more dynamic and dramatic shots without having to drag our cursors across the screen.

2 months ago


I would want a CAMERA node before that, as well as certain filters and effect nodes to add. Like lighting nodes, or whatever before any capture mode.

Added a new suggestion for precisely this:

1 month, 3 weeks ago


vote sum by 2 users.
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2 months ago