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More control and Shortcuts for Interaction

Alt+C for "Clear Decals"

Ctrl+Shift+D for Selecting "Default Timeline" of current step if in a step.

Ctrl+P for a Edit>Preferences Shortcut (In Character Creator as well)

Etc. Things to make the work flow easier without fiddling with the menu too much.

I would also appreciate some weird amalgamation for arrow keys going up and down on the outliner menu to more quickly select something in there without clicking. Such as character nodes, like HandL and HandR would be very fast if I could just press up or down once to quickly make mirror for both hands.


What would also be very useful would be X,Y,Z, as a hotkey to move exactly this one axis.

2 months ago


vote sum by 3 users.
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No response yet.
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2 months ago