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Add a Property to a Timeline from Default Timeline

I'd like to be able to add a property to a timeline with the first frame being copied from the default timeline.

(Maybe Right-Click on the property list (or "+")->Add Property from Default->pick from a filtered list)

This would also let you propagate changes made to earlier steps by deleting the keyframes from subsequent steps and then re-adding them with the updated value.


edit: Actually just adding the property "blank" and then middle-click to add the first keyframe would also work.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

edit to the edit: adding a property as blank means you'd have to add a way to delete blank properties so that's a bad idea.

But maybe a "+" next to the property name in the inspector pane could copy the default value of that property to the currently open timeline as the first keyframe?

1 month, 3 weeks ago


vote sum by 2 users.
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1 month, 3 weeks ago