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Rework/Improve Looking behavior

For example having the option for additional settings for the automatic looking function. This would give more control over what the character actually looks at.

Currently the automatic looking function sounds nice in theory, but in practice, characters mostly just end up looking at their junk, even when it means craning their heads downward.

The ability to filter out (or add new) points of interest would make this feature really cool.

It could work with adding various "LookAt-Points" to a pool and assign that pool to the automatic looking.


I think one thing that would help a lot is a limit slider for head rotation and eye rotation, like YL1 had.

It would also be nice to have a "Multiple" option for Looking where you have a list of look targets and a chance for each with a dwell time range (min-max). Then the character could look at random targets for random dwell times.

1 month, 2 weeks ago


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1 month, 2 weeks ago