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Trigger-Button for Cum

I think we might want a hotkey for cumming (maybe one that makes all characters cum and a few that can be targeted to a specific character). While I dabbled in frame animation I mostly prefer to use the procedural animation for my interactions since it just seems a lot easier and quicker. I assume a good amount of people will too if they don't have a 3d background and needing to set up an event with timing, start and end, while not super difficult, might be an issue for some...It also kinda locks the cum event down to a single step but with a hotkey you could use whatever step and timing you like.

This is not about getting rid of the Event but rather create a seperate thing that can be added via the add menu and then be targeted to a character (similar like MouthPiontIk).

Having sliders and controls on the right tab just like the regular cum event but instead of being activated by the timeline you could activate it by pressing an assigned hotkey.

Developer response

It's something I've been thinking about and want to implement. But currently I'm overburdened with tasks to do and things to implement. I don't want to promise too much. Therefore, I'm putting this in "Under review".


vote sum by 2 users.
Suggestion status
Under review.
Spend votes
2 months, 1 week ago