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Sliders for eye shape scaling

Currently the eye shape is defined by the head, meaning that X , Y and Z sliders from the head deformation directly affect the eye shape.

For more stylized characters with some sort of oval eye shape you want a regular looking head but deformed eyes.

This is currently not even possible with custom offsets as the sliders are added on top of a custom offset.
So resetting your sliders to make the head look the way it should also also reset the eye shape.


How will deformed eyes behave when moving?

2 months ago


How will deformed eyes behave when moving?

Ideally they would just revolve around the eye socket like regular shaped eyes as well. However, we might need a general rework on eye tech.

Never the less this can be tested by grabbing a head and put it on e.g. 1,5 Y slider to get oval eyes and see how they perform. I would say there is no real hindrance in implementing sliders now as we technically have them already, just tied to the head and not to the eyes.

2 months ago


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2 months ago