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New Gender Type "Sheathless"

I conducted doing an experiment of trying to make the current "Balls" gender and the sheath outfit itself like a vagina in custom offsets. No matter how much I push it, the direction of the sheath points to where the penis is designated, making it impossible to create a sheath that can also act as a vagina in the sense that its pointing downwards.

So my suggestion is

Can we have a brand new gender type that is "Sheathless" and "Ball'less" kind of like a Dragon/Dolphin sheath?

The idea could be to use current tech of the penis and the Vagina. Have the penis come out of the "Vagina" with orifice dynamics. And because it is likely to point fairly straight downwards, give it the ability to change Penis Bend/Default position by quite a lot.


how about the ability to use/make/import custom body types that are not originally from the game so we dont have to use one already made for the game to make a character

2 weeks ago


how about the ability to use/make/import custom body types that are not originally from the game so we dont have to use one already made for the game to make a character

We already have custom offsetting which allows you to make a custom body type.

1 week, 6 days ago


vote sum by 4 users.
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1 month, 1 week ago