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Add "Open in Floating" option to Coupling objects

"Open in Floating" makes working with timelines significantly easier, but it would provide even greater benefit if we could do the same with Couplings.

Currently, it's tedious and difficult to edit a timeline (TimeMode: Property) whose Time value is synced (via Source driver) with a Coupling object's CurrentT. We have to switch away from the object we're manipulating, open the Coupling, scroll all the way down to Phase, move the slider to the next intended keyframe, return to our target object, and continue animating.

If the Coupling properties panel could float, it would make scrubbing through the timeline using the Phase slider easier and provide a far more natural workflow.

(Similarly, LFO drivers can be used to control timelines, so it would be beneficial if LFO drivers had Phase sliders and could also be opened in floating panels. This suggestion is secondary, though; my original suggestion of floating Coupling panels would be of greater general use.)


vote sum by 1 user.
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6 months, 4 weeks ago