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Driver source inverse

Please add option to change property in driver based on the inverse of the source property.

Example i ran into:

Character has stomach bulge property for penis insertion. The driving source for this property is current animation for the coupling. There is a section during the scene where the penetrating character does not fully retract penis during every cycle. I create a second driver which drives the minimum value of the other driver (so the minimum stomach bulge) and the source for this driver is the inverse of the distance, (the smaller the distance property for the coupling, the higher the minimum stomach bulge). except i cannot select inverse of distance.

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temporary solution was to use timeline to manually change the minimum value

1 week, 3 days ago

I’m not sure if I completely follow what you’re attempting, but have you tried setting the maximum to 0 and the minimum to 1? That effectively inverts the source, in my experience.

1 week, 3 days ago

Tested and confirmed that @Fiasco is correct

1 week, 3 days ago

Y'know, it kinda seems like the "min" and "max" properties are misnamed. I don't know what the correct names would be, but they aren't min and max. They're more like "0 from source interpolates to" and "1 from source interpolates to" (those are terrible names, but you get the picture).

1 week, 3 days ago

The min and max are mappings from source property to the destination property. By setting max to 0 and min to 1, you're effectively translating the source property's 1 -> 0, and 0 -> 1, thus inverting it.

1 week, 2 days ago

thats great thanks

1 week, 2 days ago


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1 week, 3 days ago