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Texture and image format.

I've noticed that textures and images can only be imported if they have a power of 2, size of 256x256, or 512x512 and so on. This heavily restricts the textures I'm able to use, as attempting to crop the image to fit, tends to destroy it and I've yet to find a method of simply resizing the image I want to use, editing apps seem to not like this. Is there anyway we could use textures and images of varying sizes?

Developer response

Since Unity texture importer supports only "power of 2" formated textures there is nothing we can change about this fact on developer bsis. It's simply how game design is working.



using a non power of 2 texture would stretch it. If you're okay with stretching it, you may just as well stretch it manually and save it in the correct format. I.e., just create a canvas of the correct size, paste your image and transform it so it meets the corners. You can do this in photoshop with the transform tool.

3 years, 7 months ago


using a non power of 2 texture would stretch it. If you're okay with stretching it, you may just as well stretch it manually and save it in the correct format. I.e., just create a canvas of the correct size, paste your image and transform it so it meets the corners. You can do this in photoshop with the transform tool.

ok cool, thanks.

3 years, 7 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
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3 years, 7 months ago