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Hyper pussy

We already have huge cocks in many different shapes, but the law of equality demands a huge pussy!

What I mean about this is the overall size of it. There are already ways to customize the vagina but to change the size is directly linked to the size of the pelvis. That is not exactly flexible, at least when comparing to all the customizability of the penises.

The solution would be either inflation scale or general size scale to the existing vagina model. It won't be exactly a cakewalk to implement but Dogson has already done it for his own personal character, so it is not impossible.

And here are some other references:


It isn't a bad or unreasonable suggestion, we just need to work out penetration mechanics before we can start promising these kinds of shapes for characters. Depending on how dynamic we can get the penetration mechanics will dictate what kind of shapes we can offer in the character tool.

3 years, 5 months ago

Semi-implemented? Now with custom offsets.

3 years, 1 month ago


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3 years, 6 months ago