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Normal decal sets?

Ability to use normal maps as stickers would be pretty useful. I'm guessing it would work pretty much just like the decal set system but hey, I'm no programmer


Yeah, it's semi-planned.

As so many other things, it's something we'd like to implement but it's low priority atm.

Normal decals would be similar to regular decals. The problem is that you can't project a normal map onto any other surface - you would have to reinterpret the normal map itself, and then reinterpret the projected decal according to the surface tangent space. So it's trickier than just projecting something.

It's definitely doable, would just require some time that is needed elsewhere.

3 years, 5 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
Suggestion status
Will be implemented.
Spend votes
3 years, 5 months ago