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Make a slit option for males instead of balls

More my shark charecter it would be great if instead of having balls i could have the dick just coming out of a slit, it dosent have to go fully in the slit when not erect if too difficult to add it would just be a nice option to have


It's not a bad idea at all and I can definitely see many furry enthusiasts wanting such a feature considering it is prevalent in the fandom.

The balls system was made with modularity in mind so we could implement different kinds of balls/sheaths, so I do see this happening eventually but right now our priorities are elsewhere.

The idea has always been to make FurryVNE a reflection of the fandom so I'm definitely interested in implementing such a feature.

2 years, 3 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
Suggestion status
Will be implemented.
Spend votes
2 years, 3 months ago