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An "official" tag system

Having your cloud tagging system derived from custom user input can leave things pretty messy, for example searching for a model tagged as horse or equine would yield two different results. Another example would be big_butt or big_ass, both of which mean the same thing but bring up different results.


it's a good idear !
adding official tag system will be less messy and keeping the old system refunded as "custom tag" and merging it will be cooler !
the problem with just official tags it's limited and can't indicate or search for particular things like :
-"character from" ex : #streetfighter
-"character detail" ex : #blacksclera

2 years, 7 months ago

I believe it is hard to add tags that encompasses all understandings. The way e621 does it (or any similar sites) is by letting other people also tag a piece of work. Which I think is more natural and helps people cultivate similar lingo or understanding.

I would definetly like to tag someones work appropriately when I see it lacking. I saw someone forgetting to leave a species tag on their character.

2 years, 5 months ago

i would suggest a similar way that e621 does the tagging
openly editable tags with categorized tags as well as connected tags (eg. two tags that will yield each others results since they mean the same) as well as perhaps a little survey kinda thing when uploading that asks for the character name, gender, species and so on
also would suggest having the name automatically be added to the tags, or atleast have it be able to be searched by name

1 year, 8 months ago

Just chiming in to say I hope the tagging system can be improved to be more like e621's at some point. Universal umbrella tags that multiple similar words get lumped under, like the big_butt/big_ass example, but also the ability to at least suggest tags on other peoples posts. Too many great characters don't always have the tags that they probably should & it would be great to at least add suggested tags to help properly label them.

8 months, 3 weeks ago


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2 years, 7 months ago