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Skin Manager

If anyone remembers the skin manager program that was made to compliment YL1, then you'd know how useful it was back then, so I was thinking it would be nice to have similar functionality baked into YL2.

Specifically; skin/clothing presets that store your enabled garments/masks/colours and saves them as presets you can flick between.
Once interactions are added it might be cool for them to be able to set the current preset for each character per snapshot.
All of this would be made a lot better now that YL2 lets you add new colours/masks rather than just replacing pre-existing ones. Al a YL1.

There's obviously a few other features that need to be in place for this to be actually practical but once they are then I reckon this set of features would make managing custom content just a little less tedious.


vote sum by 4 users.
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1 year, 5 months ago