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Character Sharing Permissions

As interactions appear to be around the corner, there seems to be a desire for the ability to restrict access to characters in the cloud beyond simply the ability to delete them.

For example, the ability to blacklist certain users from accessing your characters, or creating password locks preventing unauthorized downloads of the character would at least provide a certain amount of optional control for the user.

Failing that, there could at least theoretically be some kind of written policy against uploading character derivatives or interactions involving characters against the creators' express wishes, so that moderators could have grounds to step in and delete things from the cloud if it's considered a violation of this policy.


It's a interesting thing. A "community consent program" comes to mind. It would have to be community driven and could only be enforced on any uploads on interactions.

So in a characters bio, Example:
This character consents to X and Y.
But does not consent to Z.

1 year ago
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I would very very very welcome to have a certain control there are one - two characters that are very close to my heart, show them gladly here and had a lot of fun designing and tinkering only I do not want to have to experience them in passionate trains!!!
That takes away their specialness.

Who wants to experience one of his youth heroes in a misplaced situation!
small side blow ;)

1 year ago

only I don't want to have to experience them in passionate moves!!!!

the translator took it too literally

1 year ago

I do like the idea of offering users more rights and choices in how their creations are handled. The current way things work never sat well with me. Part of the reason why it was designed this way was because the original intention behind uploaded characters was that they'd be loaded the same way in the character builder as in interactions (i.e. the "source file" would be used in both character builder and interactions). Adding any system on top of that to limit the usage would ultimately be futile, since if any interaction used a character, then that character file would have to be downloaded, and thus the user (any user) would have access to the file.

However, due to how long it takes to load some characters, we were required to implement a separate system for interactions, where the authored characters have been "compiled" into a more efficient format, allowing for faster load times. This opens up for new opportunities, namely - the source character file could be made unavailable, and yet interactions with that character could still work (since they use the compiled version of it).

Adding more security features on top of this would be difficult though. Lets say we implement a system that prevents the downloading of a compiled character file for use in an interaction unless the author has explicitly issued such access (for a specific user). If that same compiled file is used in any interaction (ones that the author has granted access to), then if a user downloads that interaction, the compiled character file would have to be downloaded as well for the interaction to play correctly. So there's no easy way to limit access to files.

But despite that, I could still implement a system that rejects users from uploading an interaction unless the user has the required privileges for the characters used in the interaction. This would however not prevent users from creating their own interactions with (any) compiled characters and then simply sharing it in other places. So the security that system would provide would only really work on the cloud platform.

So in short - I could limit access to source character files, preventing editing and derivatives. Limiting access to characters for use in interactions is more problematic, but I could implement a system that rejects interactions unless the user has sufficient privileges granted by the characters' authors. This systerm would only work on the cloud though (would not protect offline use).

What do you guys thing about this?

I also want to point out that we're spread very thin atm so implementing systems like this would take some time and be after the initial interactions release.

1 year ago

That would be great, something like that I had in mind, that you can mark the character as "read-only" so to speak, you can only view it in pose mode but not change it further or implement a separate "VIEW MODE":
There you could click through the given poses but not change or save anything else.

So really only single cases!

I have also built a few children character for family pictures and therefore so far shied away from uploading them.

1 year ago

Maybe some sort of agreement when uploading interactions to the cloud same way as the character publication has. As for moderation, some sort of report feature so mods can just verify the report and either dismiss the report or remove the interaction or character.

1 year ago

@odes "So the security that system would provide would only really work on the cloud platform."

Yeah, that's basically all we need. You will never be able to prevent people from doing stuff outside your reach. If someone would choose to not use the cloud at all because they always worked on a different platform for sharing their art/animation or what else comes to mind, they can always screen-capture and upload the thing wherever they want. Once it's viewable it's everywhere. That said your suggested restrictions sound very solid to me.

I had the idea of implementing some kind of private button which can only be unlocked by giving permission to certain accounts. However, this is quite futile as you already shown that the compiled character file would be sharable even if its on account basiss as its a new generated file.
The upload restrictions is a way better way to handle this issue.

I personally don't mind about what the community will do with my work, I would rather ask for a tracable hard code on every model made and uploaded to the cloud, which automatically generates credits in a info box, which is viewable inside the description of the animation without having to search manually for all the content creators. This would also prevent people from forgetting to do so.

So all the information like, who created the characters, who created the scene, who created the environment etc... for the scene comes automatically with it.

If derivatives are used, the algorithm for generating this information would also have to trace that down like the cloud feature has right now.

Eg. "derivative made by user_xyz from the original character made by user_abc" something like that.

Would that be doable?

And for the matter of time, don't worry, we'll handle.

It would rather be interesting to have a feature to delete my own characters from the cloud on short term as this is probably easier and faster to implement.

1 year ago
1 year ago

TL:DR : this will lead to problems that are difficult to solve (near impossible tbh).

this is just some random thinking of my lil' brain :
their is a OC character that are "stolen"/ported to 3d without consent of the author, and even copyrighted character.
it will be a bit a contradiction to do that : i don't allow you to use xxx (wich is a character i've stole to xxx author)

This cause a lot of trouble, just a few ppl with bad intention can easily abuse the system> making other ppl angry>which lead to having moderation> moderator need to be paid ectect....

and you have a lot of ppl are just a bit to introvert/shy/ashamed (or whatever leading to this behaviour)who just won't ask, and give up or stole it


Also linking this:

the problems is IF someone WANT to make a character derivative he will do it anyway by porting into blender and reupload it for example.
it will discourage some but not all. and that lead at the example : i stole>need moderation....

i'm more for a "soft way", the credit way for example, allowing character usage/copy but credit the author of the character automaticity. this way the program will have less problem with "stolen" character since it is allowed to make derivative, and have an easy way todo it.

PS : i understand that ppl don't ask to company copyrighted character... just because you know 99% of the time you will have two types of answers 1 : gimme money, 2 : no .
(yup dumb enough to ask)
PS2 : i know their is some laws for parodic things, but it's not the center of the discussion here.

12 months ago

IMO it's better to just have a flat agreement saying "By uploading your character, you allow FVNE to share your character on the cloud and allow FVNE users to access your character" etc etc. Some people won't like it, but actually dealing with it is simply not worth the effort, ESPECIALLY if you aren't planning on hiring content moderators. If you don't want people to use your character, don't upload it to the cloud. Plain and simple.

11 months, 3 weeks ago

I want to show it already, you have given me a lot of trouble with it, with 98% of my constructs I also do not care at all, which are built to "mate"!

But there are figures that are very close to my heart, with which you prefer to tell little stories and which you also want to show to make others happy with it, but that "probably" only works if I can upload them.

For example, a Bugs Bunny with eggs between the legs ... that must not be, that has no appeal for! :(

11 months, 3 weeks ago


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1 year ago