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Abdominal bulge

Abdominal bulge where the abdomen (or/and the throat when oral is implemented) adapts to the size of the other character member. Maybe with a slider so that you can choose between only adding the volume of the member or to be able to see the outline (like Sparrow's art).
As an added bonus, this could make it easier to add all the way through functionality or at least animate it down the line.


I have no idea whether or not bulging is something that can be implemented as part of the soft body collision system. I'll let odes field that if he wants because I genuinely don't know all the limitations of that system yet.

If you want a bulge slider for a particular character, though, you can definitely do that with a custom offset (see video tutorial on custom offsets if you haven't yet). Ypu'd just need to create a new shape in blender whose name begins with "ue_", use blender's inflate sculpting tool to create the bulge on the body where you want it, and then export to FurryVNE. Boom. You have a slider that creates the bulge.

1 year, 2 months ago


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1 year, 3 months ago