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this is Ranya, a 25 year old fennec who started training her ass to handle her boyfriend better, and found out she really enjoys it.

it's not perfect, but I had to remake the character from scratch due to a bug, so I'm happy with how she turned out. at a certain point u just want the project to be over with ;p

as always, criticism welcome.

↑23 💬1 ❤️31 2


1 year, 6 months ago

Thank god someone is making proper lewd content!

Keep it up, and post stuff even if you don't think it's 'good enough'. I know I end up fiddling with about everything I pull off cloud and learning from it.

I don't know if 'inspired' is the word I want to use, but you've certainly motivated me to figure out how to make butts gape and mouths succ.

1 year, 6 months ago


Thank god someone is making proper lewd content!

Keep it up, and post stuff even if you don't think it's 'good enough'. I know I end up fiddling with about everything I pull off cloud and learning from it.

I don't know if 'inspired' is the word I want to use, but you've certainly motivated me to figure out how to make butts gape and mouths succ.

thanks. for what it's worth, your comment was inspiring to me

1 year, 5 months ago
  • ↑16
  • ❤️17
  • 3
  • 💬3
Cache status
  • 2024-12-19: ✔️
  • 2024-11-09b: ✔️
  • 2024-10-05: ✔️
  • 2024-09-11: ✔️
  • 2024-09-05: ✔️
  • 2024-08-15: ✔️
  • First uploaded: 1 year, 6 months ago
  • Last updated: 1 year, 6 months ago
  • Iterations: 1