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Tori takes the glory!

Some of you know I make good bodies, but not much clothing. Well that is changing and you can see the basic clothing that I have made isnt too shabby... right?...

Updated 2024-02-03:
-Made to be interactions ready!

Updated 2024-04-08:
-Changed size by -10%
-Changed fur
-Physics better defined
-Shirt Transparency better realized and it is now subtle.
-Did some cleaning of fur in places it shouldnt

Updated 2024-04-08:
-Hand skin masks shifted a bit when size changed, so I fixed it. Thanks for screenshot updates or else this would take much longer.

Previous versions

Watching this upload action activates my neurons somehow.

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Sweet! I was anticipating her so much ever since I saw her for the first time. Also good job on getting started on clothes ;)
Also priceless expressions, so what can I say? Its the full package here.

Now it's: "Time to show the monkey who's boss"

7 months, 2 weeks ago

"Time to show the monkey who's boss"

  • Famous last words.

In memoriam Blacky Von Blackwaldorf. 2020-2023

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Mmm monkey...

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Banana hair weeeee !

7 months, 2 weeks ago
  • ↑20
  • ❤️20
  • 4
  • 💬5
  • First uploaded: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Iterations: 4