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This cute little fox had an awkward run in with some form of enchanted ice that dyed all her bits blue!

Updated 2020-08-11:
Repositioned tail, and added fluff. Added one pose.

Updated 2020-10-04:
Adjusted various parts; Finger and Toe beans, etc, to be more symmetrical.
Adjusted tail fluff to be more even.
Altered poses slightly, no reason.

Updated 2020-12-01:
Sara's winter fur has grown in finally, she's almost jumping for joy!

-Fur on arms, legs, and belly.

Updated 2020-12-01:
-Removed hand pad, finger beans, and foot pad to make room to keep hair, as nothing else fits her.

Updated 2021-07-31:
Replaced missing nipples and anus. redid screenshots.

Updated 2021-08-21:
Applied anus mask
Redid screenshots
Added one pose

Previous versions
  • ↑26
  • ❤️42
  • 3
  • 💬0
  • First uploaded: 3 years, 8 months ago
  • Iterations: 7