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A reptilian girl with a very slender frame, and skin so soft she glows in the sunlight. When not with her lover, she can often be found lounging around, staring at her own shaft, what goes on in her mind at that point is anyones guess.

Updated 2020-08-11:
Changed eye and horn textures to look more like gemstones (what I was originally going for)

Updated 2020-08-11:
Added a pair of Jaded wings, now she's really a gem of her own. Added one pose.

Updated 2020-08-13:
Altered wings using blender. They don't look so generic, and are centered closer to their axis point.

Updated 2022-07-09:
Replaced missing nipples and anus
Adjusted one pose
Redid screenshots

Previous versions
  • ↑10
  • ❤️14
  • 0
  • 💬0
  • First uploaded: 3 years, 8 months ago
  • Iterations: 5