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Simply click "Cloud > Open" to access the cloud from within the app.
(Click here to download FurryVNE.)


Important note!

This character is to be considered a parody fan made model, made and uploaded on my private account. This character belongs to its respective IP holder and I have no intention of monetarily profiting off of it nor will I ever claim it as my own, thank you.

22 years after saving a watery Hyrule from extinction Medli traveled far and wide across the land, only to one day receive a letter from the hero who she fought along side with asking her for a reunion.

She couldn't wait to see Link and the rest of her close friends again after more than two decades and what they become.

Updated 2024-04-16:
- Added Rito-Harp
- Fixed a binding problem with her dress

Previous versions

Good job! Ever since Kass, Revali, and Teba made their debut in BOTW

it feels like the world has forgotten of her existence.

9 months, 3 weeks ago


Good job! Ever since Kass, Revali, and Teba made their debut in BOTW

it feels like the world has forgotten of her existence.

Now that's what I also think, Absolutely! thanks for the praise ;)

Fortunately I am a warrior for the underdogs bringing those exotic characters to life once more. I know she's not that famous among the furry fandom but I personally like her design quite a lot so I made her fly over to the modern time.

Guess Rito tribe in general was not that successful anyway so they replaced them with Orni later on...

9 months, 3 weeks ago
  • ↑15
  • ❤️11
  • 3
  • 💬2
Cache status
  • 2024-12-19: ✔️
  • 2024-11-09b: ✔️
  • 2024-10-05: ✔️
  • 2024-09-11: ✔️
  • 2024-09-05: ✔️
  • 2024-08-15: ✔️
  • First uploaded: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Last updated: 9 months ago
  • Iterations: 2