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You need to use the in-app browser inside FurryVNE to load this character.
Simply click "Cloud > Open" to access the cloud from within the app.
(Click here to download FurryVNE.)

YCH Yellow

Derivative of @joni2k's Silhouette made to be more explicitly anthro-coded, less transparent, and also with two extra shafts for handjobs or paizuri (disable if not using).

Useful as a YCH placeholder character that can be swapped with another male character with the Load & Replace feature.

This one's yellow.

Updated 2024-08-15:

  • Disabled extra shaft objects
Previous versions

How tall are they on the universal FurryVNE ruler? Asking ahead of time because i'm aware Load & Replace feature isn't so friendly to shorter stubbier characters

1 month, 1 week ago


How tall are they on the universal FurryVNE ruler? Asking ahead of time because i'm aware Load & Replace feature isn't so friendly to shorter stubbier characters

Approximately 6 feet/183 cm. Also make sure characters you replace them with also have extra shaft objects if the interaction in question uses those.

1 month, 1 week ago
  • ↕0
  • ❤️1
  • 0
  • 💬2
Cache status
  • 2024-09-05: ✔️
  • 2024-08-15: ✔️
  • First uploaded: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
  • Last updated: 3 weeks, 1 day ago
  • Iterations: 2
  • Based on: #1568