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"Dawn Gospel",Koxui

In hell. The dawn is pale and cold. All dead and forgotten souls, memories and echoes flow to the pale sun as the first light of every day in hell appears. And these things gradually converge into a huge "lake" at the eastern end of Hell. The inhabitants of hell commonly call it the Salt Lake. These salts are the remnants of memories and souls that were absorbed and ground up by the dawn. These salts are extremely pale and reflect different colors depending on the light. Only spellcasters who study Necromancy and channelism use it as a casting material. The former will use the salt to create artificial spirits, while the latter will use it to channel the dead.

And in the middle of this huge salt lake is a white tower that stands out in hell. The tower is visible even from a great distance from the lake. It's just that no one really dares to look. Although there are no waves or monsters in this lake. But the salt grinds wisdom and memory. Those who are not afraid of death eventually become soulless walkers who roam the salt of the soul. Their bodies may still be alive, but their memories, character, and desires have been washed away with salt.

And the white tower, because no one can go to it, so the legend about it is spreading more and more. And most of them think that the tower is a ladder to the earth. So no matter how terrible this salt lake is, there are always outlaws going to the tower.

In fact, there are people in hell who know what the white tower is. But only the old guys who survived the Great Judgment know that. Like the nine Fallen angel chiefs. "Tower of the Pale Sacred Tree". They knew that inside the tower was a young tree, full of fruit filled with ancient wisdom. They also know that the tower is home to their former colleagues. The wise angel of the Seven Angels, KOXUI.

KOXUI was sent to hell during the Great Judgment for antagonizing God and the angels. He had already met this great judgment and tried to stop this terrible action. But those New Testament angels were merely commanded by virtue to create sin. God was not moved by these accusations. After he openly questioned the truth of God and said, "God is dead," he was torn off his wings and thrown into hell. Only later did he realize that his angry words at that time were the bare truth. God's great judgment is not only on others, but also on himself. He had killed himself, and the body of his predecessor had been abandoned to hell.

When he was thrown into hell, he was not willing to give up. Hope to inspire people with wisdom to sublimate. But gave up after hundreds of years of trying. He found it impossible to solve the root problem in his current capacity. So he used the salt lake to test his strength. And he found a pale sapling in the middle of the lake. And KOXUI is stationed here with it. And he slowly piled up the salt around him, until today, it has formed the white tower.

And KOXUI, accompanied by this little tree, the first third of God, the dawn of Hell. It just goes by day by day. He began to listen to the roar of the salt lake, which was calm on the surface but billowing in spirit. He draws wisdom from the memory of the dead, and inspiration from the sorrow of the dawn. He was waiting for an opportunity. Waiting for a bloody figure. Dawn will usher in noon. And twilight waits for the midday sun to bleed to death.








Updated 2024-12-15:
A parting gift from a friend. A sword of the dead engraved with the seven virtues.

"mercy does not come from thought. It comes from strength. "

What Remiel said to this once wise angel as he was about to set out from the Salt Lake with an army of millions of virtues in hell. But time has passed, Remiel, the angel who once presided over the souls and reincarnations of hell is no longer the same. The battle of power was overwhelmed by pain and decay.In the end, Remiel offered his own sacrifice. In order that all the souls left behind can return to the Salt Lake, can be peaceful and reincarnated.

But the power of the sword is still there, still strong. But once all the lofty words have turned into sorrow silence, gave off a chill and pale light.



Remiel在率领地狱数百万美德之师,即将从盐湖出发时对这位曾经的智慧天使所说的话。而时过境迁,Remiel, 这位曾经掌管地狱灵魂和转生的天使已经不复往昔。力量的对决还是被伤痛和腐烂所淹没。在最终,Remiel以他本人的献祭,以求身后的灵魂得以全部返回盐湖,得以安息与转世。


Previous versions

This character in previous versions may have a BUG where the "broken hand" joints don't touch properly when imported into the interaction. You can import interactions several times. Just until it's normal.

6 months ago

I'm sorry, it's the current version of the game. Not the character version.

6 months ago

The above issues should have been fixed in the new version of September 12th.

6 months ago

i'm extra intrigued now. where are these creative designs coming from? Do you concept-art these characters on paper before translating them to FurryVNE? I believe I already told you how very talented you are but I continue to be impressed with your every upload and I'm curious about how you develop the aspects+lore of each demon and make each so distinct!

5 months, 3 weeks ago


i'm extra intrigued now. where are these creative designs coming from? Do you concept-art these characters on paper before translating them to FurryVNE? I believe I already told you how very talented you are but I continue to be impressed with your every upload and I'm curious about how you develop the aspects+lore of each demon and make each so distinct!

I'm sort of an art practitioner. My job and hobby are drawing pictures and writing stories. As for the appearance of these characters and their backstories on VNE, they are all improvised. This is also a kind of "creator's intuition". I created hundreds of characters. From beggars to Kings, from gods to demons. They play with me like muppets in the world I've created. They're like an ant kingdom under a glass dome in my thousand years of history and dozens of successive civilizations. There are heroic epics. There are stories of ordinary people, too.

When people create a lot of things, they get used to associations. I just need to have a feature that has a theme. Like green, fangs, smooth skin. I can think of his character, his history, his fate from birth to death.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

"Creation" is in my soul.

5 months, 3 weeks ago


I'm sort of an art practitioner. My job and hobby are drawing pictures and writing stories. As for the appearance of these characters and their backstories on VNE, they are all improvised. This is also a kind of "creator's intuition". I created hundreds of characters. From beggars to Kings, from gods to demons. They play with me like muppets in the world I've created. They're like an ant kingdom under a glass dome in my thousand years of history and dozens of successive civilizations. There are heroic epics. There are stories of ordinary people, too.

When people create a lot of things, they get used to associations. I just need to have a feature that has a theme. Like green, fangs, smooth skin. I can think of his character, his history, his fate from birth to death.

I expected as much, but I'm happy to hear it coming from you. I also peeked at your IRL work on the Discord and am simply blown away. I'm not the dev but I'm grateful that people like u with distinct visions are willing to contribute to FVNE !

5 months, 2 weeks ago
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  • First uploaded: 6 months ago
  • Last updated: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Iterations: 4