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Simply click "Cloud > Open" to access the cloud from within the app.
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Take a seat and enjoy the ride!

This machine comes with an invisible male, having the same shaft design as the Sybian knob.

All belt parts are fully movable so you can either parent them to your character and use them in creative ways to strap them onto the sybian or simply ignore them or turn them off.

For an easy setup I recommend to add a coupling and assign it to your character manually, bring the sybian in position and then detach it from it's parent (the invisible male character underneath it).

Updated 2024-09-12:
- Added a remote control
- Added three different sized ball gags (I am aware of the fact that they won't fit all characters but it's better than nothing and now you have the base model to adjust it to your characters individually ;)
- Changed all belt parts to be part instances (saves resources)

Previous versions

Nice! I'm wondering if there will be a section dedicated to advanced Props in the future of FurryVNE Cloud, just like YL1's BDSM collection

1 week ago


Nice! I'm wondering if there will be a section dedicated to advanced Props in the future of FurryVNE Cloud, just like YL1's BDSM collection

One day we will have a prop repository and it might very well be possible to have a BDSM section there.

6 days, 16 hours ago



Nice! I'm wondering if there will be a section dedicated to advanced Props in the future of FurryVNE Cloud, just like YL1's BDSM collection

One day we will have a prop repository and it might very well be possible to have a BDSM section there.

cool! thanks for confirming,

and congrats on your - ̗̀ ☆100th Character upload☆ ̖́-

6 days, 7 hours ago



Nice! I'm wondering if there will be a section dedicated to advanced Props in the future of FurryVNE Cloud, just like YL1's BDSM collection

One day we will have a prop repository and it might very well be possible to have a BDSM section there.

That's awesome. Maybe a BDSM studio/dungeon level featuring all those props could happen aswell.

5 days, 22 hours ago


That's awesome. Maybe a BDSM studio/dungeon level featuring all those props could happen aswell.

As soon as we are able to add our own props and levels I surely will add and contribute to this section >:)

5 days, 13 hours ago
  • ↑24
  • ❤️17
  • 7
  • 💬5
Cache status
  • 2024-09-11: ✔️
  • 2024-09-05:
  • 2024-08-15:
  • First uploaded: 1 week ago
  • Last updated: 6 days, 14 hours ago
  • Iterations: 2