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"The Tower",Remiel

The "Tower" is one of the 22 Grand Arcana cards. It is also the only one whose interpretation, whether positive or negative, represents the upheavals of suffering and the chaotic forces of nature. The current holder is Beelzebub. Mistress of flies, Lord of gluttony, herald of the green light, protector of the weak. Working alongside Tower for Beelzebub are the "Hanged man" and "Death".

Beelzebub never paid any attention to the other six lords and pioneers. Nor was he interested in the struggle between the revolutionaries, whose group consisted of Satan, Leviathan, and Asmodeus, and the authoritarians, whose members were Lucifer, Mammon, and Belphegor. Disgust, even. But the Council could not be absent, so three magistrates of fate under Beelzebub acted in their place. "Even two swords struggle. But the wounds left will only bleed, and the bodies left behind will only be eaten by maggots." And Beelzebub, the manifestation of gluttony, is exactly that. All broken, desperate souls and the weak will find their place under the seat of Beelzebub. And their suffering will gradually dissolve with decay into unconscious chaos.

And Remiel, once the angel of Peace, is the one most familiar with mortals and desires among the many angels above. Once hell is only for the mortal soul to rest and return to the mortal world from the salt lake. Of all the angels, Remiel is the kindest. But kindness was also what cost him his life and torture in the future.

The Great Judgment. Because Remiel never asked the outside world about the mortal world, he only wondered at the beginning why so many mortals were condemned to hell, and even most of their souls were broken, and it was completely impossible to reincarnation. Even his fellow angels were thrown into hell in droves.

He saw half of his angelic countrymen impaled by horns, stripped of their wings, and transformed into the embodiment of all kinds of ugly desires. They wantonly stigmatize those mortals and souls who are willing to stay in hell for a better rebirth, tarnishing their knowledge. The other half become white-haired liars full of false virtues, who oppress and enslave with the power of angels, turning the good into their toys. He and Koxui initially hoped to civilize the fallen, while Remiel guarded the weak with his army of virtue.

But all they do is so small and weak. When Koxui later entered the salt lake, he begged Remile to join him. But Mr Remile said all innocent people must be saved. For him, no sacrifice is necessary. But the two friends never saw each other again after this separation.

Remiel was captured alive and the demons skinned him and cut off his limbs and wings. After taking away his rights as an angel, the fallen angels beheaded him, shattering his halo. They carved a symbol of shame on him, and then cast his body into the wasteland of hell.

His awakening and resurrection came only because of the supplication of the victim and the strength of Beelzebub. He can't quite remember what his predecessor was. But he naturally hated demons and angels. He does not need to act out of hatred to destroy the fallen. On the contrary, these guys' fights will eventually destroy themselves. And the thought of this, his mouth was already drooling. They will all be eaten by me. And His kindness will endure for those who have escaped bitter and pointless strife and who have come to recognize the despair of this world. Until time corrupted him.








而他的苏醒和复生也仅仅只是因为受难者的哀求和别西卜的力量。他已经不太记得他的前身是如何了。但他天然的憎恨那些恶魔和天使。他不需要因为恨来出手消灭这些堕落者。正相反,这些家伙的争斗最终会将他们自我毁灭。而想到这里,他的嘴角已经在流口水了。他 们 都 将 会 被 我 吃 掉。而对于那些脱离了苦难且无意义的争斗的人和已经认识到这个世界的绝望的人来说,他的仁慈将恒久存在。直到时间将他彻底腐朽。

Updated 2024-12-14:
Updated short story.

Updated 2024-12-15:
Gave him the eyes. One is a round ball, and the other is a more cartoonish expression eye.

Updated 2024-12-16:
I prepared two swords for him. How can a magistrate of fate not have the right equipment?

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  • 2025-02-08: ✔️
  • 2024-12-19: ✔️
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  • 2024-09-11:
  • 2024-09-05:
  • 2024-08-15:
  • First uploaded: 3 months ago
  • Last updated: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Iterations: 6