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Lilith is a hyperactive wolf, and Candace's closest friend as well as her favorite lover. While Lilith isn't as easily distracted, she's just as insatiable. Loves cotton candy, but hates having sticky fingers.

Updated 2021-08-21:
Replaced missing nipples
Replaced missing anus
Applied anus mask
Redid screenshots

Previous versions
↑4 💬0 ❤️11 1

Please ignore the 'Based on' this is incorrect, honest.

3 years, 6 months ago


Please ignore the 'Based on' this is incorrect, honest.

I had the same problem with my wolf XD I don't know why.

3 years, 6 months ago

Sorry guys, this is a bug. It is fixed for next release, but any files you've saved are essentially "tainted".

I can remove the derivative ID in cloud, but the file will remain tainted.

3 years, 6 months ago


Sorry guys, this is a bug. It is fixed for next release, but any files you've saved are essentially "tainted".

I can remove the derivative ID in cloud, but the file will remain tainted.

It's not necessary :) Just such information about error ;)

3 years, 6 months ago


Sorry guys, this is a bug. It is fixed for next release, but any files you've saved are essentially "tainted".

I can remove the derivative ID in cloud, but the file will remain tainted.

It's cool, bugs will happen, right? At least it wasn't something catastrophic.

3 years, 6 months ago
  • ↑12
  • ❤️17
  • 2
  • 💬5
  • First uploaded: 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Iterations: 2