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Penny is a dolphin. Due to her upbringing, Penny is a true free spirit. She's always moving from one place to the next, having never had somewhere to call home, or anyone to come home to for very long. Her past lovers will all agree, seeing her go is always bitter sweet.

A horrendous boating accident with some tourists in Hawaii cost her both her back fins, but a wealthy lover at the time had new ones constructed with some of the most high end materials possible. Decorated to look like ornate porcelain, these high strength titanium panels are designed to withstand unreal punishment, yet still allow her to swim and flex with the greatest of ease, and they weigh next to nothing.

Her hobbies include volleyball, reading, and diving for treasure.
Thanks to always being on the go, she is able to speak English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Mandarin, and Japanese all fluently.

Updated 2021-02-13:
Added the eyebrows I forgot. Redid screenshots.

Updated 2021-04-03:
Used Pixel Offset on fins, redid screenshots.

Updated 2021-08-21:
Replaced missing nipples
Adjusted tattoos
Redid screenshots

Updated 2022-01-16:
Adjusted had size
Redid screenshots

Previous versions
  • ↑16
  • ❤️12
  • 0
  • 💬0
  • First uploaded: 3 years, 2 months ago
  • Iterations: 5