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FurryVNE is required to load this character. (Click here to download FurryVNE.)


Introducing our new innovation, Horny Guilmon! Enjoy at your local Horny Store, visit your doctor before buying the new herm version.

Improved over my first character, including some tricks and assets unable to access in FVNE.

Stay Horny.


Great job! It's a very accurate recreation. Loks like a lot was done with Blender or another modeling software.

3 years ago


Great job! It's a very accurate recreation. Loks like a lot was done with Blender or another modeling software.

Technically true, many things were just a ballet between 3D modeling and 2D imagery. The other things were just taken from the game files.

3 years ago

Just awesome :D

3 years ago

Great work ^^_

3 years ago
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  • ↑47
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  • First uploaded: 3 years ago
  • Iterations: 1