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Para somehow found her way... She just... always does!

I have a whole bunch of characters, please check them out!!

Updated 2021-06-02:
-A garment Hair
I do not know if this is temporary or not, but is more appropriate to Paragas. Also, the hair is originally from Chyannas Worgen

Updated 2021-08-08:
-New customOffsett for the face

Updated 2024-03-21:
-Made Interactions Ready!
-Added new hair that makes her look more like how I imagined her, and is very nice physics wise.
-Resized her a bit smaller (15cmish shorter)

Previous versions
  • ↑18
  • ❤️20
  • 3
  • 💬0
  • First uploaded: 3 years ago
  • Iterations: 4