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FurryVNE is required to load this character. (Click here to download FurryVNE.)

Mora Linda

Based on Chalodillo's character from "Las Lindas".

Reference 1
Reference 2

Updated 2021-10-22:

  • Slightly adjusted some scales
  • Added her necklace
  • Added her nanozell bracelet

Updated 2021-10-23:

  • Added shirt, panties, and pants

Updated 2021-10-26:

  • Added flannel top to complete the look

Updated 2021-10-26:

  • Added more poses to show off the clothes

Updated 2022-11-24:

  • Updated the custom offsets for the face. I was never completely happy with the face before, so I'm glad I finally got a chance to fix it.

Updated 2023-02-23:

  • Minor update: changed eye position slightly and modified the shoulder positions in the poses.

Updated 2024-01-21:

  • Hair converted to garment to animate better
  • Hair garment needs to be re-enabled before export
  • Now Interactions Ready!

Updated 2024-03-21:

  • Rigged the hair so it would no longer take up cloth triangles
Previous versions

I really like this one nice work

2 years, 5 months ago

Cant wait to see finished results

2 years, 5 months ago

I found making cloth for character with large boobs very difficult. Any tips?

2 years, 5 months ago


I found making cloth for character with large boobs very difficult. Any tips?

Sorry, didn't see this comment before now! Honestly, the reason you find it difficult is because... it is. If you've ever known anyone IRL with large breasts, you'd know they always have a hard time finding clothes that fit, and part of the reason is because it's way easier to make clothes without having to factor in curves.

A general tip if you're using Blender with Simply Cloth Pro: I'd recommend almost always using Elastic Smooth as the material, also using way more material than you need, and then adjusting the Shrink settings to get the desired fit.

As for scuplting after finalizing the cloth mesh, I do pretty much everything with Inflate, Smooth, and Pinch. Occasionally I'll use Flatten, Grab, and Elastic Deform.

Honestly though, I've personally moved on to learning how to use Marvelous Designer, which is expensive (if you pay for it) but much more powerful than Simply Cloth Pro + Blender. I might do a detailed tutorial for using it with FVNE at some point, but I'm still just learning it right now.

2 years, 5 months ago


I found making cloth for character with large boobs very difficult. Any tips?

OH! Also turning up the friction on the character mesh can help if your cloth keeps riding up or falling down.

2 years, 5 months ago

Nice improvements on her face!

1 year, 4 months ago
  • ↑37
  • ❤️43
  • 7
  • 💬6
  • First uploaded: 2 years, 6 months ago
  • Iterations: 10