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Thomas Woolf

Sabrina Online Crew
Amy's boyfriend and future / current husband

Do not use the app internal facial expressions other than "blinking"


Mhh... I do not know why his shirt is messed up. His bind pose does not work.

In Shape > basis for the shirt, unbind and select PoseType: Referential and select your binded pose that you used to make the clothing.

Problem is, im still having the issue of the body clipping out.

Aside from that, you should consider lowering the smoothness of many of your layers that control it. His model is just so shiny, his hair looks shiny too. The fur shader made him more dry, but that in contrast made his nice hair that much more "shiny".

Although I really like his Face though. Your really good at making a good, cartoony looking face.

2 years, 11 months ago

Oh I fixed it (I hope).

Unbind his shirt
Pose Type: Referental
Reference your binding pose
and then
Find the binding pose (Far down)
Edit it, but make his breasts not jiggle (Jiggliness 0)
Go and bind his shirt.

Should be good.

2 years, 11 months ago

Ok thanks will try that!
Clothing is still a matter of trial and error.
If it works - nice, if not - I don't know why

2 years, 11 months ago
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  • First uploaded: 2 years, 11 months ago
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