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Njala the Wyvern

Meet Njala, the feathered, half-blind wyvern.

Since she retired, she's open to nicer activities than hunting and fighting, but be cautious if you dare ask for oral. Her flame has not extinguished.
Uncharacteristically easy-going for a wyvern, she still dominates any room she enters.

Huge thanks to @odes, wouldn't have gotten through the technical stuff without his support.

Disabled parts which need enabling:
-optional: increasing feather resolution in appendages

Criticism welcome ofc.

Updated 2022-07-02:
-added barbed tail end
-added some user expressions

went for a bit more imposing look.

Updated 2022-07-03:
-fixed bug

tail disabled for uploading

Previous versions

even it's not my cups of tea.(i prefer coffee anyway)
this character deserve at least 1 OwO for the work behind it.
really love the head in general, teeth, eyes, scar, horns, hair all in detail !
what i don't like it's the tail when you saw the rest of the character, dat nude tail is a bit weird :(

(also i know i'm arguing for nothin but wyvern have scales not feather x)

1 year, 12 months ago

@AltTab I've been playing a bit too many elden ring in which the wyverns have both scales and feathers, can you tell? ;p

thanks for the compliments and criticism. maybe I'll revisit and redo the tail at some point. currently lacking the imagination to come up with something better.

1 year, 11 months ago
  • ↑23
  • ❤️29
  • 5
  • 💬2
  • First uploaded: 2 years ago
  • Iterations: 3