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Queen Szálká the Elder

A dark queen looking for someone to roost with..

Well, I enjoyed making the last feathered wyvern so here's another one.

As always criticism welcome.

Updated 2022-07-03:
-added some poses
-added some expressions

Previous versions

This is some serious Monster Hunter tier stuff right here. Love the fierce yet sultry vibes, she's bewitching! Glad to see wyverns getting some love!

I've actually passed over this creation a few times due to the dark thumbnail, but ironically that's what finally made me click in it out of curiosity. Lol. Hopefully we'll get the ability to control environmental lighting in later builds.

1 year ago
  • ↑20
  • ❤️27
  • 7
  • 💬1
  • First uploaded: 1 year, 11 months ago
  • Iterations: 2