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Open up the "Guides" Section

For either this cloud site, or the Forums.

I want to start making guides for people, and the best way for them to see the guides should stay relevant and close to the app as possible.

I am personally happy if it just opens up at in the forums at first, but opening the guides section here on the cloud can have a greater impact on those who may be intimidated by YL2.

I hope this is convincing!


That would be pretty useful. Would also save a lot of time digging through forums. I like this idea.

4 years, 1 month ago

Ah, yeah, there's so much to do and prioritizing is difficult. We will of course implement all the header sections at some point, the question is when and in what order. I was definitely thinking guides would be the next thing for the cloud.

4 years, 1 month ago


Ah, yeah, there's so much to do and prioritizing is difficult.

No need to rush things. Maybe it is easier to open up a guides section on the forums first? Maybe that will become redundant as soon as the guides in the cloud is up.

4 years, 1 month ago

it will build the community higher and higher

3 years, 11 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
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4 years, 1 month ago