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Alternate Colour palletes for characters

I was thinking about making alternate colours for more of my characters, but creating a derivative of my own characters (37 of them) would really bloat the general derivative list and character list.

Some of my characters even have hidden elements that are only seen if you change the colours, like my Rough Collie Bronzy has dots and freckles around his body but they are hidden due to having the exact same colour as something else. That way, his alternate colours would also yield for a slightly new element to be shown. Its just a clever way to have alternate colours.

ANYWAY , I wish we could have alternate Colours to cycle through. The way this would work is like this.

You have a Main colour which you can add more colours or delete. But then you have alternate colours that mimic the main colour palette. You cannot delete or add colours, only change the colours.

When switching between the Alternate colours, the entire characters colours switches to the new palette. As simple as that. All masks are more or less assigned to the numbers of the coloured squares rather than the colour itself, no?

SO when interactions come out, you can have a simple edit that switches between the different colour palettes of the character. Similar to how we could switch skins in YL1 on the fly.


I really like this idea and it wouldn't be too difficult to implement. Will implement!

4 years, 1 month ago


I really like this idea and it wouldn't be too difficult to implement. Will implement!


4 years, 1 month ago


vote sum by 0 users.
Suggestion status
Will be implemented.
Spend votes
4 years, 1 month ago