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'Multiple Character' editing?

Seeing as interactions are still a ways off, one idea I was curious of, was being able to create and pose, at least for now, two characters at once. These characters could either be created side by side, or merged into the same save maybe, and offered as sort of a package deal. Then from there, the user could simply enable or disable them in the same way as objects, with a simple check box.

If this is not reasonable I understand completely.


I also thought about it once but I don't know if it makes sense :/

4 years ago


I also thought about it once but I don't know if it makes sense :/

Well you figure at some point creators would want to offer multiple characters, who may have similarities like twins, or even polar opposites that they intend to go together, yet they don't want to upload multiple separate characters.

4 years ago


vote sum by 2 users.
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4 years ago