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Alt-Drag Scaling for Capsule Gradient Nodes

The masking system in this game is extremely intuitive, but the scaling for the capsule gradient node radii is an extreme sensitive slider, especially for smaller masks. The simple radius gradient scaling is similarly sensitive, but this is mitigated by being able to alt-drag to adjust the slider values. Something similar in the capsule gradient mask would make scaling the nodes much easier. Anecdotally, I currently have to guess and check the values by typing them.

Developer response

Implemented on the 05.09.24 build version.



Ah yeah I'm not happy about this at all and I've been wanting to fix it for some time now. Priorities, as always...

Perhaps this will be the month?

3 years, 12 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
Suggestion status
Spend votes
4 years ago