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Parts --> Appendage

Taking parts to appendage

Add the ability to make a part an appendage or vice versa. It would be really nice to do this as some of the templates use teeth as parts. Also trying to make certain appendages work correctly can be mildly infuriating (I'm talking mostly about teeth). I find this mostly annoying since when teeth are parts they aren't bound to the jaw, and just float in place with big expressions (I also just can't get the appendage teeth to look nice). <\p>

Optional XYZ axis movement for appendages

Another idea rather than adding the ability to take a part and make it an appendage. It could be helpful if you could move appendages on the XYZ axis like parts. Much like you use keybinds to change between the different options on appendages, this could just be another option (ex. XYZ Move). <\p>


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9 months ago