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More Shape Keys for Facial Expressions

As someone who LOVES expressions, it would be neat to see ALL these models have more facial expressions! Is there something in place for more shape keys to have that luxury?


I also love expressions, but not necessary as of right now (imo). However, I did have a big need for Some kind of expressions before there was any. So I can understand you if you feel like there is a need for more. Although, I will absolutely parade a demand for expressions on interactions hehe.

3 years, 11 months ago

Expressions is something we'll look into more in the future. Since heads need to fit with so many different body types, we're note quite sure how that's going to work. It's a problem we'll have to look into.

We have a few ideas how it could be solved, but we haven't had the time to actually test them yet. Hopefully we'll find something that works.

The idea is indeed to offer a lot of expressions. It's supposed to be a visual novelling editor after all.

3 years, 11 months ago

I think I understand. But, I don't mean to nit-pick, but I am curious. How then were you able to do shape keys on the mouth eyes, and on the pony head, the eyebrows, then? What's different about their shape-keys? If the head is separate, the movement should stay relative with the base mesh, right? Is it the squashing and stretching with the base mesh affect the points, or is the transitioning of the different body-types doing some not nice things? Again, I'm just curious, I don't mean to pry, I'm kinda more fascinated than anything, really.

3 years, 11 months ago


The problem is how expressions work with tweakables and body types. In order to fit with different body types, the head is deformed. Since the head is deformed, we need to recompute how bones are positioned, and that also affects the skinning. So imagine we have authored a "surprised" shape that works in conjuction with jaw bone. This shape works fine in base state, but on a body type, the jaw may be positioned slightly different, and the head size a bit different, making the shape not look fit 100% anymore. There may have been artefacts introduced. Likewise, imagine if tweakables were added to this mix, and suddenly, things don't add up the way that was first intended.

Maybe this isn't as big of a problem as we think it may be. But what we're saying is that we need to look into it.

3 years, 11 months ago
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Perhaps this Blender tool could be decoded and reversed engineered to help in your program...

3 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, I just got what you meant by the tweakables. When I was messing with the horse head, I was like, "Tweakables? What are they talking about? But, when I messed wit the canine head, I fully get what you guys are saying. I thought you guys were talking about the "bone options". (BTW, the horse needs some head tweakables.) Yeah, now that I FULLY understand. I have to say, IDK if there is ANY way to add shape keys to the head.
I thought the WHOLE day about this issue. The way these models are set up reminds me of DAZ 3D Studios setup. And I think the only way they solved their issue was just make the facial movements constructed with bones. And honestly. It might just be the most effective way. If you guys have something that does automatic weight paint. It might save an ENORMOUS amount of time that way. That way you don't have to tediously work on every shape key for each individual model. You just set your bones on the face, do an automatic weight paint on them. (I'm a Blender guy, and they do automatic weight paints, that can work in any format.) Then, make some minor fixes and your done. And if you decide to tweak the models faces a bit. The weight paint can still stay the same and no harm on the model. But, this is just an idea that I'm resting on. I'll probably say a bit more on a forum post. And I'll be done with this. I really just wanted to help with some ideas; but, I'll leave this to the experts.

3 years, 11 months ago


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3 years, 11 months ago