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Thumbnails with no restrictions

Currently, you can only get the face, this is not true. There is a bug in which you can somehow get the entire body regardless (I dont know how, got one accidentally) and also what is worse is that some of my characters, regardless of face only thumbnails, still is detected as having genitals or tits on the thumbnails.

This restriction also pollutes the diversity in thumbnails since most heads can look the same.

Let us represent our characters properly, and get rid of those bugs.

Developer response

Thumbnails now only require the head to be present somewhere. Other than that, any thumbnail is valid.


yeah been having this bug with almost all my toons, been only able to upload 2 atm, so going to have to wait till this bug is ironed out.

4 years, 4 months ago

I found the issue why some valid thumbnails don't pass.

In the code, we have tests for making sure that the eyes point toward the camera (dot product). I wrongly assumed that the Z axis (blue) points forward, but it's actually -Y (opposite green) that points forward.

So that means if you take screenshots from a slight upward angle (looking down at character), it should work.

I'm not quite sure what causes some pictures to pass even though they shouldn't though.

I want to revamp implementation anyway.

But for now - workaround is to take picture in such a way that the blue axis doesn't point away from camera.

4 years, 3 months ago


Thanks man! This should help for now!

4 years, 3 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
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4 years, 4 months ago