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URP (Universal Render Pipeline) Migration

Since Unity's BiRP (Built-in Render Pipeline), the current render pipeline we are using, hasn't received updates for several years, we decided to move away from it.

The new render pipeline we are aiming for is URP (Universal Render Pipeline) because it will not only significantly improve performance and framerate, eliminating flickering or screen-tearing issues that are currently ever-present, but it will also open doors to implementing core features like VR support, custom level import and FSR, an upscaling technique that creates high-quality, high-resolution frames from lower-resolution input. This allows the project to run at a drastically lower resolution without losing visual quality, while also increasing the framerate.

Once the cloud features go live, we will focus on making this migration happen.


vote sum by 0 users.
Suggestion status
Will be implemented.
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1 month, 2 weeks ago