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Tweakable Facial Edits on the Other Species

It's cool to see the tweakable facial edits on the newer models! But, could we possibly see ALL the species with tweakable facial edits like the wolf and the shark have, on the upcoming update?


Facial expressions is definitely something we'll look into more as we get closer to interaction systems. The idea is to offer the same variety of expressions on all characters.

3 years, 10 months ago

Well, expressions is nice. I was wanting to see more facial sliders to make the chin bigger, the eyes smaller, or the head rounder, etc... the same way the shark models have them and some of the later models. The earlier models, such as the horse, dragon, and some others don't really have that much variety of facial edits, like the shark and wolf have. I just want to see it on the earlier models.

3 years, 9 months ago


vote sum by 2 users.
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3 years, 10 months ago