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Character personality/author's notes

The description of a character in the character browser seems like a good place for the author to supply information, but it's easy to not check it, and it seems likely to be cluttered with meta information.

It would be nice if there were a place in the character creator to write character personality notes and author's notes. Upon opening the character in the character creator or adding the character to an interaction, those notes could be automatically displayed in a pop-up. This way, an interaction author or someone modifying a character could choose to honor the character author's intentions.

Obviously adhering to character notes would be voluntary, and there should be an option in the preferences menu to not automatically display character notes, though it would be nice if they were on by default.


That sounds like a great idea! But it is a pity that there are still too few stages for characters...

3 weeks, 2 days ago


vote sum by 2 users.
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3 weeks, 2 days ago