is down voting necessary?
it seems like people just down vote things to be mean and it discourages newer creators from trying.
if something is inappropriate it could just be reported.
vote sum by 1 user.
Suggestion status
No response yet.
Difficult question to answer as there are nuances for and against.
I Rather keep it.
Let the user understand whats going on if there are no comments to give insight.
so like if someone is going to down vote they would need to leave a comment as to why or actually give some feedback?
No, just. Let the person who got downvoted speculate as to why they got downvoted.
Its not as horrible as reddit so I dont see downvote being a bad thing.
A good question to ask: what is the benefit of enabling downvotes?
It's definitely useful to know how many people like an interaction or character, but is it useful to know how many people dislike one?
Even if we agree that there's merit in enabling downvotes, summing the up and down votes definitely removes valuable information.
Let's say one character has 5 upvotes and no downvotes, and another character has 15 upvotes and 10 downvotes.
I think these tallies tell completely different stories and convey completely different information, but in the current UI they are indistinguishable.