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Nipples and Areolas as an Exportable Obj.

I was trying to make a normal map for the areola in Blender, until I realized the nipples/areolas aren't exportable. Is there any hope for that to be remedied down the line?

Developer response

With the new nipple system you can now get access to the nipples via "File -> Export -> Mesh" and tehn import your character file to blender.


It's tricky, but definitely possible!

The Areola/Nipple shape is created in shader through tessellation. It doesn't actually exist in the geometry of the model, only at shader stage!

If exported, I'd have to pre-tessellate the model and offset the vertices accordingly, and then export.

Can't say it's a priority atm though, sorry!

3 years, 9 months ago


vote sum by 3 users.
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3 years, 9 months ago